Use the sample Instagram captions, along with a photo of you, your team, a team logo, or anything else you think with be eye-catching below to help raise funds for your Run For Music team! Be fun and creative in your posts, and remind people why your choir is important to you and worthy of their support! You can also enhance your posts with logos and images!
Text initalicsrequires customization from you, so be sure it has all been personalized before you send the message!
On October 17, I’m running with my choir’s team, Team <teamname>, in Run For Music. Help us reach our goal of $<amount>! http:// <link to your team’s fundraising page>.
Excited to be part of Team <teamname/choirname> in this year’s Run For Music! The money raised will go toward my choir’s <project, ex. spring tour, new CD>. Sponsor us at http:// <link to your team’s fundraising page>.
My Run For Music team, Team <TeamName> is halfway to its fundraising goal! Help us achieve that goal and support our <project: ex. new CD recording, tour to England> by making a pledge to our team! http:// <link to your team’s fundraising page>.
Most of you know how important my choir is to me. We’re currently raising funds for <project> and I’m on our Run For Music team to help raise money for it. The fundraising goal is $<amount>. I would love if it you can help us achieve it! Sponsor our team at http:// <link to your team’s fundraising page>.
Amp up your reach with hashtags! Here are a few to start with. Use your imagination and create a new hashtag for your team! #choiralberta #runformusic #runformusic2020 #run #runner #running #choir #choral #choralmusic #sing #abmusic #abrun #albertarunner #yeg #igyeg #yegchoir #yegmusic #yegsinger #yegrun #yegrunner #yegrunning #yegfitness #yegevents #laurierpark #yegrivervalley #5k #10k #funrun