Choirs and singing groups currently seeking singers!
Is your choir accepting new singers or holding auditions for the upcoming concert season? Post your Call for Singers or Audition information here.* Simply email the information (no more than 100 words), with the date registration opens and closes, and your choir's logo to — it will appear here as well as on our social platforms!
*An active membership in Choir Alberta is required to post on this page.
Calgary Renaissance Singers & Players welcome prospective new singers of all ages to join us for singing, learning, and laughing!
❖ We regularly audition new members each fall. Those who wish to book an audition are encouraged to contact Erin Masleck, General Manager: crspgenmgr (at) Auditions for the 2024/25 season will take place on Wednesday, September 4th 2024 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at Calgary Unitarians 1703 - 1st Street NW. Alternate arrangements can be made and auditions can take place after this date. For more information: |
Vocal Latitudes World Music Choir, with director Krishan Power and pianist, Faye White, begins its fall season with Dreams and Discoveries, celebrating creativity, fantasy, consciousness and more! Come Sing With us! We have music of many genres picked; classical choices like Count the Stars by Andy Beck, and pop arrangements of Sweet Dreams and California Dreamin' as well as Traditional Zulu and more. Rehearsals begin on September 10th, 7:15pm at the Calgary Unitarians (1703 1st St. NW). The first two rehearsals (September 10th and 17th) are try-out rehearsals, where anyone is welcome to come sing and try-out the group. For more information or to Register for the fall semester: Choir Member Registration - Vocal Latitudes (
Westside Concert Choir is seeking young singers grades 3-12 to join us for an exciting season of singing, musicianship, and community building with our junior and senior choirs! Under the direction of Liz DiMarino and Heather Nail, the choirs rehearse Thursday evenings and perform 3-4 concerts over the course of the season. There is no volunteering or fundraising required. Join us! Visit our website for more information and registration.
Elk Island Regional Honor Choirs is accepting singers from grades 2 to 12. Our two choirs practice every Monday evening, with three concerts annually. In addition, the Senior choir tours within Canada, and the Junior choir performs at local schools. All of the choirs participate in additional events such as performing at music festivals, the Festival of Trees, the Night of Motown Fundraiser, sporting, and other public events. A fun music retreat is planned annually. to schedule an audition!
Other parts of the province
Calling all Central Alberta singers! The Red Deer Chamber Singers invites new members to join our Tuesday night choir, with a special welcoming night on Tuesday, September 3rd from 7-9pm at Sunnybrook United Church (12 Stanton Street in Red Deer). The fall session runs September to mid-January and the spring session runs late January until the end of May, with both culminating in concert performances. The Red Deer Chamber Singers is an adult, mixed, non-auditioned choir offering members professional group coaching and performance opportunities.