Use the templates below to send email messages to your friends/family/others in your network. Text in italics requires customization from you, so be sure it has all been personalized before you send the message. Thank you!
Hi FirstName,
I'm excited to have joined a team that will be taking part in Run For Music 2020. On October 17, we will walk/run a 5k course through [Edmonton's river valley / elsewhere in Alberta] in support of musical opportunities for everyone in Alberta.
Sponsored by Choir Alberta, Run For Music raises funds for my choir/school while at the same time generating revenue for Choir Alberta programs like the Alberta Youth Choir, Big Sing, Choralfest & more. My team has set an ambitious fundraising goal, and we need your help to reach it!
I am hoping that you will support me and my Run For Music team. To make a pledge, simply click the link below and it will take you to my team’s fundraising page. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.
Insert the link to your fundraising page here
I believe strongly in the important role music plays in the cultural fabric of our community, and sincerely appreciate your support of this initiative.
Thank you! YourName
SAMPLE 2 Hello! Choose one: On 17 October 2020 I will be part of a team from my choir, CHOIRNAME, in Choir Alberta's Run For Music. OR On 17 October 2020 a team from my choir, CHOIRNAME, will take part in Choir Alberta'sRun For Music. Sponsored by Choir Alberta, Run For Music raises funds for my choir and for Choir Alberta programs including <select 2 or 3 of the most relevant programs: Alberta Children’s Choir, Alberta Youth Choir, Choralfest, Music Conference Alberta, the Choir Alberta Choral Library, unique musical opportunities such as the King’s Singers workshops>. My team/choir’s team has set a fundraising goal of <$amount> to help <our upcoming tour to…; purchase new music; record a new CD; purchase new uniforms; other (please specify)>. I am hoping that you will support me and my choir’s team. To make a pledge, simply click the link below and it will take you to myteam’s/choir’s team fundraising page on RallyUp. Tax deductible receipts for donations of $25 or more will be issued immediately after you have made a pledge. Choral singing is an activity that has enriched my life in many ways and I sincerely appreciate any support you can offer. OR
A short personal message from you. Thank you so much! YourName
The Run for Music, an innovative fundraising event in which I am participating with my choir insert choir’s name, is only one week away! We are still working hard to achieve our choir’s target of raising insert target amount here and need your help! Funds raised through Run For Music will help us to purchase musical scores, put on exciting concerts, and become better singers and musicians through educational workshops.
A portion of your pledge will go to support Choir Alberta's programs such as the Alberta Children’s Choir, Alberta Youth Choir, and Choralfest, so the entire community benefits. To donate to choir’s name, please visit our team page on RallyUp:
You can pay securely through Paypal or any major credit card and will receive a tax receipt for 100% of your donation of $25 or more within minutes of making your donation.
Choral singing is an activity that has enriched my life in many ways and I sincerely appreciate any support you can offer.
Thank you so much! Your Name
Hello lovers of music!
On October 17 I will be participating in Run for Music along with my choir, Choir Name. Sponsored by Choir Alberta, this event will bring together throngs of choral singers from across Alberta to help raise funds in a healthy atmosphere for many of our province’s important choral programs such as the Alberta Children’s Choir, the Alberta Youth Choir and Choralfest, an educationally-focused festival.
100% of the money raised will support choral music in Alberta, with up to 70% of the funds we raise going directly back to Choir Name to help us in our fundraising efforts. This year we are raising funds for <insert information about your choir here>. I am hoping that you will support this event by sponsoring me and my choir in the Run. If you choose to do so, the pledging process is quick and easy: clicking on the link below will bring you directly to my choir’s Run For Music fundraising page where you’ll be able to securely donate the amount of your choice within minutes by credit card or PayPal. 100% tax-deductible receipts will immediately be issued for pledges of $25 or more. Our fundraising goal for this event is $7,500. Choral singing is an activity that has enriched my life and that of so many around me in many ways and I sincerely appreciate any support you can offer.